Building Regulation Reform
Regulatory reform in the building industry is continually evolving to adapt to regulatory frameworks which are fragmented as well as inconsistent with obscure information which creates confusion.
A Best Practice Approach
A new approach could be a self-regulatory regime combined with other policy instruments. Self- regulation is a means to exceed minimum legal requirements and can also enhance understanding and compliance with regulations.
In a competitive environment there is a strong incentive for businesses to continually improve standards and exceed expectations. Although self-regulation in many circles is not considered effective as it leans towards self-interest over the common good, there is evidence in a range of circumstances of where it is an efficient means of social control.
A successful self-regulation model for the construction industry would require the development of an industry wide framework, a set of industrial principles and practices. It could drive the industry to challenging conventional industry practices and promote industrial morality to a defined code of practice. The best examples of self-regulation are those of the chemical and nuclear industries in the USA.