Why a Practical Completion Inspection is Essential

A practical completion inspection is critical and focuses on the completed project, it is the homeowners final opportunity to ensure the builder has met all there statutory obligations. It is ultimately a comprehensive review by a professional expert the builder has followed the necessary building codes and standards. It also ensures the builder has delivered…

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Building Regulation Reform

Regulatory reform in the building industry is continually evolving to adapt to regulatory frameworks which are fragmented as well as inconsistent with obscure information which creates confusion. A Best Practice Approach A new approach could be a self-regulatory regime combined with other policy instruments. Self- regulation is a means to exceed minimum legal requirements and…

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The Dilemma of Non-Conforming Building Materials in Australia

The introduction of new technologies and globalised markets is developing around the world at a rate and pace never experienced before and sure the advantages are easily quantified however the consequences of this phenomenon may only be quantifiable through history. The current risks to building end users exposed to imported NCBPs may be immeasurable at…

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